62a Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5QY Tel 01206 272728 Range of garden varieties
Ashridge Nurseries Ltd ADDED 2021 Grove Cross Barn, Castle Cary,Somerset,BA7 7NJ Tel 01963 359444 Range of garden varieties - mail order only
Avon Bulbs ADDED 2021 Burnt House Farm, Mid Lambrook, South Petherton, Somerset TA13 5HE Tel 01460 242177 or 249060 E-Mail:info@avonbulbs.co.uk Range of garden varieties
North Orbital Road, London Colney, St Albans, Herts. AL2 1DH Tel 01727 822255 E-Mail:info@aylettnurseries.co.uk From 2001, the nursery is only selling plants to callers at the nursery.
Barbarry Dahlias 29 Laithes Crescent, Smithies, Barnsley, S. Yorks S71 3AE Tel 01226 291023 Range of Barbarry varieties
B.P. 100 F-54062 NANCY CEDEX, France Tel (33) (0) 3 83 15 86 86 E-Mail: contact@graines-baumaux.fr Wide selection of tubers
Primrose Nurseries, Melchbourne, Beds Mk44 1ZZ Tel 01234 709099 Selection of tubers for garden use, including several gallery dahlias
Brighter Blooms ADDED 2021 Walton Flats Nursery, Gillibrand Street, Walton-Le-Dale, Preston, Lancashire, PR5 4AX Tel 07884 430732 E-Mail:matthew@brightrblooms.co.uk Range of garden varieties
Villy Mougaard, Bjerringholmvej 14, DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark Tel 86 65 12 88 E-Mail: info@blomstergaardenvedviborg.dk Good selection of varieties for garden and exhibition use
D.T.Brown & Co Ltd Bury Road, Newmarket, Cambs CB8 7PR Tel 0845 601 4656 Selling seeds of bedding types
Bortree Stile, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 7PB Tel 01229 581137 E-mail: info@chilternseeds.co.uk Selection of seeds of bedding and garden varieties
Ridgeview Nursery, By Longridge, Fauldhouse, West Lothian EH47 9AB Tel 01501 771144 Only restricted sales to callers
Long Road, Paignton, Devon TQ4 7SX Tel 01803 696444 Selling seeds of bedding types and some garden varieties as tubers
on line ordering only via website G arden varieties as tubers
Gazeley Road, Kentford, Suffolk CB8 7QB Tel 0845 166 2511 Selection of varieties as seeds, plugs or tubers
Kadijk 38, 2104 AA Heemstede, Holland Tel 023 528 4075 Good selection of varieties as tubers
Gilberts Nursery Dandys Ford Lane, Sherfield English, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 6DT Tel 01794 322566 E-mail: gilbertsnursery@aol.com Wide selection of varieties as plants
P. de Jager & Sons Ltd Staplehurst Road, Marden, Kent. TN12 9BP Tel 01622 831235 Selection of garden varieties as tubers
JRG Dahlias and Anglo Dutch Supplies 22 Summerville Road, Milnthorpe, Cumbria. LA7 7DF Tel 015395 62691 E-mail: Jack@jrgdahlias.co.uk Selection of varieties as tubers
West Heddon Nurseries, Heddon on the Wall, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE16 0JS Tel 01661 852445 E-Mail: enquiry@hallsofheddon.co.uk Wide selection of varieties as tubers and plants Visitors welcome especially in flowering season from end August to mid October
Brian Emerson, Woodville, Stour Provost, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5LY Tel 01747 838512 E-Mail: the.emersons@tiscali.co.uk A number of varieties as large pot grown tubers to be collected from the nursery.
Monks Farm, Coggeshall Road, Kelvedon, Essex CO5 9PG Tel 01376 570000 E-Mail: sales@kingsseeds.com Selection of varieties as seeds
LANGTHORNS PLANTERY ADDED 2021 High Cross Lane West, Little Canfield, Dunmow, Essex CM6 1TD Tel 01371 872611 E-Mail:info@langthorns.com Range of garden varieties
Lochend Dahlias 24 Tantallon Drive, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire Scotland ML5 2LN Tel 01236 430234 E-Mail: john_mcmillan@hotmail.co.uk Good selection of varieties as plants
Paul Panzer, Kostritzer Dahlien Neben dem Kurhaus, Werner-Sylton-Strasse 12, 07586 Bad Kostritz Germany Tel 036605/2659 Wide selection of varieties for all purposes
J Parker Dutch Bulbs (Wholesale) Ltd 14 Hadfield Street, Old Trafford, Manchester M16 9FG. Tel 0161 848 1124/5 Selection of wholesale varieties as tubers, for garden purposes
A-4563 Micheldorf, Thurnham 28, AustriaTel: +43 (0) 680 / 200 8331 Note New Address 2020 E-mail: info@peters-dahlien.at
3 Pheasant Walk, Pen-y-fai, Bridgend CF31 4DU Tel 01656 664086 Selection of varieties as tubers or plants , for exhibition and garden purposes
on line ordering only via website Garden varieties as tubers or plants The Flints, 1&2 Brent Eleigh Road, Monks Eleigh, Suffolk IP7
7JG Tel 01449 741551 E-mail :
riversidebulbs@btinternet.com A selection of varieties as tubers.
Bay Tree Farm, Epping Green, Essex CM16 6PU Tel 0845 452 0645 E-mail : sales@rosecottageplants.co.uk A selection of varieties as tubers.
Shaw Green Dahlias NEW 2023 Shaw Green, Dawbers Lane,Euxton, Lancs PR7 6EQ Tel 01257 752247 E-mail : hello@shawgreendahlias.co.uk A selection of varieties as tubers.
Woodview Road, Paignton, Devon TQ4 7NG Tel 01803 696363 Selling seeds of bedding types and some garden varieties as tubers
Poplar Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3BU Tel 01473 695225 Fax: 01473 680199 Selling seeds of bedding types and some garden types
Three Gates Nursery (Christopher White) Three Gates, Westown, The Naul, Co. Dublin R.O.I. Tel 086 285 0561/ 01 841 3494 Good selection of varieties as plants
BP 70315, F-49003 ANGERS CEDEX 01, France Tel (33) (0) 2 41 66 01 01 E-Mail:turc.bulbes@ernest-turc.fr Good selection of varieties as tubers
PO Box 255, NL-1160 AG Zwanenburg, The Netherlands Tel 0031 204 973 127 Selling tubers of a number of garden and other varieties
Leidsestraat 100, NL - 2182 DR Hillegom, The Netherlands Tel +31 (0) 252 516 541 / 515 363 E-mail :info@csweijers.nl Selling plants commercially (by the 1000), very wide choice of varieties
Dahlien-Kultur DI. Gerhard Wirth 1180 Wien, Leschetitzkygasse 11 Austria Tel +43 / 1 / 479 53 83 E-mail :office@dahlienwirth.at Very wide choice of varieties as tubers
Grove Lodge, Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill, West Sussex RH10 4SF Tel 01342 714 106 E-mail :grower@withypitts-dahlias.co.uk Selection of garden varieties as rooted cuttings and pot plants
Gazeley Road, Kentford, Suffolk CB8 7QB Tel 0333 003 1671 Selection of varieties for garden use
Wenhaston, Blackheath, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 9HD Tel 01502 478258 Selection of varieties for garden use
Dutch CNB (Co-operative Nederlandse Bloembollencentrale)In addition to the above nurseries, dahlias for use in gardens and for cutting can be obtained in plastic bags from most garden centres and general garden supplies retailers. These have normally been supplied from the Dutch nursery trade, and include a very wide assortment of types and colours.
If you publish a list of dahlias and would like to be included in the above list of suppliers, please send a copy of your list to:- D Bates, 88 Purnells Way, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands, UK E-mail: batesdave@aol.com Last updated February 03, 2023 |
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